Recap of wine club numero dos...

My fellow wine nerds and I reconvened this past Monday to taste through another flight of wines. The theme for this month was Italy, with a few regions in particular: Silicia, Umbria, Puglia and Piemonte. For those who are familiar with these regions you may wonder how we decided to choose these in particular. Simple: we took a map and chose the regions we were the most unfamiliar with. As a reference point, we tossed in Piemonte as we had all tasted several wines from this region.

Without further adieu....the first wine we tasted was the following:

La Spinetta Langhe Nebbiolo 2007

I have had this wine many times before, Nebbiolo being one of my favourite grapes of all time. It was as I remembered: candied cherry, pepper, floral, blackberry. On the palate it had those tell tale chewy tannins I so adore, some earth and a nice lingering finish. This was a 2007 vintage and could have laid down for many years to come, which is what I love about Nebbiolo.

Stay tuned for the remaining wines we tasted.

Cin Cin!


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